Why Love Fails

Love Most times I try out to wonder why people say love fails, why do people conceive that love is just an ordinary thing? If you understand the full meaning of love above, then you'll know why I conceive that love cannot fail.

Love will not fail you if you don't fail love. Love has been in existence since the universe of the world, but you know what happened? Man failed love, so it's a thing that will continue to find till the time nonentity knows.

The Real love is no where to be found and that is why we conceive in Divorce. Although I'm not condemning anyone here but I'm kind of been realistic, it is due to the fact that there is no Real Love between us that is why we have the number of Divorce heighten ordinary in most of our developed country.

Love has to do with your heart, because REAL love comes from the heart.

The simple answer as to why people fall in LOVE is that;

1. Love is not a thing that you can control

2. Love is a must in human life i.e. something that you can't do without

There are many other indicate as to why people fall in love but of all my findings and research work on why people fall in love I have come to recognize that the two major points are what we have above.

So why do you think love should fail when it is not a thing you can control and it is also a must in human life.

Lovers in this new generation that we are having reject to put the LOVE into practice, they only say I Love You with mouth and not by heart.

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